Saturday, March 1, 2014

Teaching Your Children To Love Jesus

I am a Leaner, I like to learn something from whomever I meet. I learn best by teaching. The teacher always learns the most. I attended the Dot Mom conference last year in Nashville. I highly recommend it! There was a gifted teacher there who had much knowledge and wisdom for a struggling parent like myself. She was gracious enough to tutor me through DVDs as an extension of the conference, and here is the heart of the lesson I took away. I recommend using the Armor of God and the Lord's Prayer for a morning devotional for the whole family! You can purchase her training DVDs on her website below.

Teaching your children to love Jesus                                     
Karen Alexander-Doyle


 There is a great Seeds Family Worship song on this verse! 

You can LISTEN to it HERE from a computer (phone will not let you hear tracks).

Deuteronomy 6:5-9 Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and strength. Teach them diligently. Teach them
  1. When you walk by the way – everyday activities, grocery store, interacting with people, errands. Let your child get used to hear you talking to Jesus aloud. When you have problems, stress, struggles, let them know you go to Jesus first. Involve them in the prayer. You are training them how to deal with life problems when they come.
  2. When you lie down- don’t rush bedtime. Take the time to let him know you value him to listen, spending focused attention. Lay down beside your child and ask “what was your favorite part of the day today? What was your worst part of the day?” In the cloak of darkness you will receive some tender secrets from your child that otherwise you would not have! Leave them with the last thought of the day being on Jesus.
  3. When you sit in your house – mealtimes, playing, cleaning, cooking
  4. When you rise up – get up before them. Greet them with a song to let them know that your attitude is focused on gratitude towards God. “I will enter his gates with thanksgiving on my heart,” “This is the day,” “Good morning God,” or just make up a song, Thank you Jesus. Jesus name is powerful when spoken aloud!!
  5. Bind them around their hands (practical application) and minds (memorizing the word). Bind them on your doorposts and gates- Everything in your home should reflect Jesus (TV shows, magazines, internet sites, you tube vid,etc)

Mealtimes: set up some ground rules that meal times are only for positive talk. (if negative things need to be discussed arrange a time later) Start intentional conversations (if you could be any animal what would it be?….you can search for conversation starters to really begin some cool conversations around the dinner table).

Involve your children in decision making process for vacations and outings as much as possible. It gives them value.

Give them responsibilities each day. This also builds self esteem and tells them you trust them and you know they can do the job.


Morning Routine: Pray through the Lord’s prayer (possibly at Breakfast table). Each child can take a different part.
  1. Praise: You are our Father in Heaven. You are _______ (Name of God like Provider, Bread of Life, Heavenly Daddy, Rock,etc.) We Praise you for ____.
  2. Plan: Show us your will in _______ (situation you are in right now) Lord, guide us and direct or path today as Mommy _______, as Daddy _______, as brother ______. (Pray for each person’s plans for that day)
  3. Provision: Thank you God for providing _______. Be our provider for ________.  We need _____. Lord we ask you now _________.
  4. Pardon: Please forgive me for _____. Help us to resist the temptation to ______.(Each person takes turns).
  5. Protection: Put on the Spiritual Armor of God
Armor of God - Here are some of  Leah's favorite videos to watch on the Armor of God
The Shining Sword – Charles Coleman (great book for kids - recommended by Karen Alexander-Doyel)

  1. Hemet of Salvation: Protection for the mind. Lord, please guard my mind. Take my thoughts captive. Help me see things as you see them. Bring me to salvation. (if your child has not already accepted Christ). Help me remember that because I am saved, I have received a Kingdom that is UNSHAKEABLE and that no external force can shake me.
  2. Breastplate of Righteousness: Protection for the heart. Help me put on Christ’s righteousness. Show me anything I need to make right with you.
  3. Belt of Truth: Protection against deception. Show me your truth in ______ (situation) and help me to walk in that Truth (live like I believe it). Let Truth surround me. Help me to stand firm against the enemy.
  4. Shoes of Peace: Protection against anxiety. Show me opportunities to share Christ and to help others in need.
  5. Sword of the Spirit: God’s Word. Help me to get your word into my heart (explain that means memorize it)
  6. Shield of Faith: Protection against fear. Our defense against the flaming arrows (lies) of enemy. Help me overcome my unbelief in ______. Help me to believe your promise that says ________. Help me recognize the lies of the enemy. Bind Him from me and my family. Take away my doubts, confusion, and help me overcome temptation.

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